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Security firm details new Trojan written for Apple's Mac OS X (appleinsider.com)
5 points by evo_9 on Feb 28, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I thought that this is known to all major operating systems. There have been such malware already.

The apparent "lack of walware, trojans and worms" is just a fact that they are less seen. Mac OS X also has bugs and vulnerabilities (even 0day ones) and with those it can't be at all times always saver than Windows just to say.

But of course, it's not like Windows XP where UAC is not even possible, so the amount of damage undertaken by trojans should in theory not as bad (but should be the same if vulnerabilities are being exploited).

Uh. And? Really. What's the story here?

It's not surprising that we'll see more instances of this. If the mac user base continues to grow they'll make an ever bigger target for malware producers. I'm surprised that we haven't seen a real botnet of Macs yet.

The funny part is, none of the news sources are actually reporting on what's the actual vulnerability found, or any technical details. :(:(

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