I write shorthand notes in a text file using a text editor saved in a folder mounted from Drive. The first line is the subject and meeting date. Sometimes the second line is names of attendees & their initials if it's not a regular thing.
Every other line is prefixed by * , X, -, or ?.
* Someone else agreed to do something
X I agreed to do something
- Thing to remember
? Question to answer
Generally these files end up being 12-15 lines long. I don't write notes in every meeting, only external ones really.
I do everything you said with one additional combination from a Project Manager focus point:
When someone voices a question/objection/important comment during a meeting, I will usually paraphrase what they said along with their initials.
e.g. CAB: Questioned rollout process, too aggressive?
That helps me immediately know that "CAB" is someone I should probably talk to offline to either gather their additional thoughts about why they think rollout process is too aggressive or perhaps they are a key stakeholder who needs to be convinced before they're going to be fully on-board.
Every other line is prefixed by * , X, -, or ?.
Generally these files end up being 12-15 lines long. I don't write notes in every meeting, only external ones really.