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What Makes an Entrepreneur? Four Letters: JFDI (cloudave.com)
32 points by ecounysis on Jan 22, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Interestingly, this is the same thing needed to become a JEDI, were there is no 'try', only 'do'.

We could change fucking to effin.

I find myself stuck in those circumstances of anylsis paralysis. Being concious of it, such as after reading this article, helps you say "feck it, just do it somehow".

The stats coming from Google Analytics, Adwords, and other advertising data still overwhelms me though.

I find that having a day job and other life distractions actually helps with this a lot. I spend a lot of the day thinking things through so that by the time I get to having the time to do something I'm ready to actually do it.

Loved this article. Couldn't agree more. +1.

There is no substitute for just doing it. This is true for so many different types of endeavors!

this is exactly what David Cancel said in his post Oct 2010 http://davidcancel.com/3-startup-lessons-i-learned-the-hard-...: Believe me failing sucks really bad but there are no repeatable patterns that lead to startup success. None. Stop looking for one and just f*ing do it (#JFDI).

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