> What kind of valuable, low-level information resources are you recommend to keep an eye on?
I'm mostly using weekly newsletters about frameworks/languages I'm interested and I read tech books as well. Also, I allow myself to check HN once in a week.
Don't use any social services except GitHub and messenger (not FB) :)
My quality of life is definitely better because of absence of any "breaking/fake news" and I find myself to be able to focus more during the day.
One think though I need to figure out some ways of another entertainment activity, maybe I should try to install some games or find fiction books I enjoy. Will it count as a low-information diet?
tl;dr try to live couple of weeks without social media / news and see how it goes
I don't follow any news and any social media (I have only one of them, FB but only for a very specific technical groups/forums and I only browse it on a my computer with kill newsfeed add-on). Anyway social and news aren't my problem, my problem is "technical social" one :).
When I reread this chapter about information diet in 4HWW I recognize the same pattern as Tim's described.
I have a habit to read and bookmarks a lot of technical information which aren't relevant to any tasks I'm doing in this moment. It's a strong habit and I start to remove it. It's trigger when I lost focus or I stuck with work and I don't know what next.
But when I'll only focus on "useful" information, I can easily lost my pulse of current trends. From the other side, "knowledge" without practice is useless in my opinion.
So, I'm looking for a healthy balance :).
And you are right, a good newsletter, like Fronted Focus[1], is the best option.
I'm mostly using weekly newsletters about frameworks/languages I'm interested and I read tech books as well. Also, I allow myself to check HN once in a week.
Don't use any social services except GitHub and messenger (not FB) :)
My quality of life is definitely better because of absence of any "breaking/fake news" and I find myself to be able to focus more during the day.
One think though I need to figure out some ways of another entertainment activity, maybe I should try to install some games or find fiction books I enjoy. Will it count as a low-information diet?
tl;dr try to live couple of weeks without social media / news and see how it goes