Hello HN!
I'd like to implement info my life a low-information diet as it's described in 4HWW by Tim Ferriss. In this book author wrote that hi consumes only two magazines a month (one economic and one industry related).
I'm a software engineer, web developer (backend) and devops.
What kind of valuable, low-level information resources are you recommend to keep an eye on?
I find it hard to stop reading HN or getting news from my twitter feed. You can try the Hacker Newsletter for the first case: https://hackernewsletter.com/
For Twitter since it's mostly fluff, I just delete the app and restrain myself from touching the web at high demand times. Probably people do the same when they close facebook.
You could also leave your favorite sites in a bookmarks folder, then consult them all just once a week for an hour or so, on weekends or any downtime. A set, scheduled, timeboxed one of course.