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Not much different from AWS, from what I've heard.

Yeah, Amazon is the master of having their status page read all Green while half of US-East is in the toilet

Definitely the case. Neither are super great at this. One issue is that issues that may 100% impact individual clients may only impact a vanishingly small amount of their overall service load. That mismatch between customer and provider experience is one of the ugly aspects of public cloud providers.

That's why AWS is all about their Personal Health Dashboard (PHD). They can post specific issues for your account in there. Also, they get to keep the public page looking nice and green to show to executives of prospective customers.

Also, it's one which gets hugely understated when people "move to the cloud".

especially if you use your bussiness for B2B services. Stuff like this could make you loose your bussiness, especially if some entity like google doesn't communicate and as a result, you do not have a answer for your own customers.

Medium sized private cloud providers are a lot better at this, considering the communication lines are a lot shorter.

On the flip side - a customer is more willing to be understanding if 'Google is down' instead of 'our server is down'.

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