I notice that there are some issues with depth sorting (which I guess would be expected). It'd be complicated, but one way you could do the same effect without that issue is to use signed distance fields in a shader:
> Z-fighting in Zdog is the natural result of its pseudo-3D engine. Zdog’s 3D shapes are actually 2D projections, rendered without any accounting for collisions with other shapes.
> Rather than fighting against this effect, the best course is to accept it. Z-fighting is one of Zdog’s charms. Embrace it.
This is such a glorious project. I wonder if intersecting shapes could be detected and automatically decomposed into a set of non-intersecting shapes that render separately...
I wonder if some sort of progressive dither or fade is practical to implement and fast enough (and visually useful)? If I wasn't at work right now I would have a look at the code.
I have some experience with Canvas rendering but, like this, just in straightforward layers. I don't think a dither would be practical, a fade might be using a mask and setting the alpha, but you'd still have to detect all the overlap.
Well the advantage of this approach is you get vector graphics, which you don't with a standard mesh based approach to 3d. That's why I was mentioning the signed distance field thing -- you can get the same style without z-fighting, plus you can do some interesting shape blending and stuff which allows for some interesting possibility.
A signed distance field approach is fundamentally incompatible with this library and it's goals.
Zdog is a vector drawing library, it's resolution independent. When you render to SVG, you can later rasterize that SVG at any resolution. This lets you do things like print at large sizes or high DPI.
Ray marching is a raster (pixel based / resolution dependent) way to render.
> Zdog is a vector drawing library, it's resolution independent. When you render to SVG, you can later rasterize that SVG at any resolution. This lets you do things like print at large sizes or high DPI.
Signed distance fields and ray marching are completely resolution independent... The only limit is your canvas size. You can emulate the exact same effects, plus some additional ones since you can blend the shapes.
They aren't incompatible, but the trade-off is in efficiency. Ray marching is more expensive usually, but also more expressive and extensible. If you look at https://www.shadertoy.com/ , a large set of those effects use signed distance fields exactly because by using mathematical functions you can have vector-like infinite precision.
I guess you're right in that you can't, say, put it in a document and print it. But considering that the advantage of this is that it's 3D, if you wanted this for print you'd probably just draw something in inkscape or illustrator anyway.
> Signed distance fields and ray marching are completely resolution independent
That’s not what I meant. I expect you knew that. The output of ray marching is a resolution-dependent raster. The output of Zdog is a vector format image.
Ray marching doesn’t make sense in Zdog, because the output SVG is rasterized later, on demand, by your browser or printer, not by Zdog. You can’t do that with ray-marching, and that’s why these two ways of rendering are incompatible. It’s not just efficiency, putting ray marching in Zdog makes no sense.
That's kinda a weirdly accusatory tone dude. If the output is the screen, which it probably would be 99.9% of the time since this is a javascript library creating a 3d object in a browser, then the distinction is entirely academic. Just set the canvas size to whatever you want. After all the output of displaying an SVG on a screen is also a resolution dependent raster, as is the output of plotting ink on a piece of paper.
Also I wasn't like saying this was a useless library, just that if z-fighting was a concern there's an alternative using GPU shaders that can get you a very similar effect. Geez.
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to accuse you of anything, my intention was to give you the benefit of the doubt that you understand all the issues here; you sound like you know what you’re talking about with SVG & ray marching.
This distinction is very much practical and not academic. SVG exists for a reason. I use (and write) SVG renderers in practice precisely for their resolution-independent, rasterize-on-demand functionality.
> Just set the canvas size to whatever you want.
This is missing the point that an SVG output can rasterize to multiple different resolutions, when it’s viewed, where a ray-marching output is baked at one size.
> If the output is the screen, which is probably would be 99.9% of the time
I would counter with most SVG on the web today is served as files, and a major use case of Zdog would be creating those files, not necessarily including Zdog in the js and rendering everything from scratch at display time. Rendering to files allows Zdog output to work on all browsers that support SVG, which from the comments appears to be more browsers than Zdog can run on.
I was thinking specifically of the case where I render files in Zdog and save them for display & print later. It’s restrictive to assume that you’re rendering & rasterizing at the same time, one of the benefits of rendering to SVG is being able to separate rendering from rasterizing.
That part of the discussion doesn’t change the fact that Zdog renders to SVG and ray marching renders to pixels, so they aren’t compatible rendering techniques unless you change Zdog to only rasterize it’s output and disable SVG.
Ray marching isn't baked at all, it's a webgl canvas. It's a real time effect. If you resize it the resolution changes and you re-render. The shapes that are used as a source for the rendering are all mathematical objects that can be combined and used at any scale, just like paths and curves in an SVG. The only time it would be "baked" is if you're exporting it out of the browser.
> This distinction is very much practical and not academic. SVG exists for a reason. I use (and write) SVG renderers in practice precisely for their resolution-independent, rasterize-on-demand functionality.
> I was thinking specifically of the case where I render files in Zdog and save them for display & print later.
If you lose the interactive 3d component, Z-Dog doesn't really give you anything over just drawing it in a vector art program. Actually it gives you less, because you have less control and you have to type out your shapes instead of just drawing them. And it's not like it's easy to export out of the browser. In chrome at least, if it renders to a canvas and you right click on the element to save it you get a png, and if it renders into an SVG you get the option to save the entire web page.
Anyway all I was suggesting is that if you want a similar rendering effect (IE, 3D objects without triangulation) and z-fighting is an issue for you then you can consider signed depth fields. That's all. If z-dog works for your purposes use it instead.
Which is why I’m a bit puzzled by your push-back here. When I said “baked” I was talking about ray-marching spitting out pixels at a certain resolution. Once you render, you can’t change the resolution without re-rendering, so the resolution is “baked” into the raster output. If I save it to a file, my only choice is to save an image file at the resolution that I rendered at. If I want to display that file at a different resolution later, and I don’t have the renderer, my only choice is to resample the image.
> It’s a real time effect
I don’t know what you mean here. Ray marching is a rendering technique, you can choose to do it in real time, or you can choose to take hours. This has no bearing on whether it renders to pixels or vector art. Zdog can also be real-time, or offline batch.
> If you resize it the resolution changes and you re-render
Yes, exactly. You have to re-render a ray-marched image if you change the resolution. That is unlike SVG, which you can re-rasterize without re-rendering.
> The shapes that are used as a source for the rendering are all mathematical objects that can be combined an used at any scale, just like paths and curves in an SVG
I feel like we’re regressing a bit here, we already covered this. Yes, the input SDF & scene certainly are resolution independent. You have to compare that to the input of Zdog, which is not SVG, it’s the 3d shape description.
The output of ray marching is a raster. Zdog’s SVG output is, well, resolution independent SVG.
> If you lose the interactive 3d component, Z-Dog doesn’t really give you anything over just drawing it in a vector art program.
Your straw man hypothetical eliminated all of Zdog’s functionality there. You can use Zdog with 3d but without interactive, right? That’s one specific use case I’m interested in. What Zdog buys is a conversion from a 3d scene description to a 2d scene description, that’s the value for me, and the very thing that ray marching does not do.
I think our fundamental disagreement here is that I think the main use for this is interactive graphics, and that's how it seems to be marketed, and you seem to think its main utility is as an art tool for generating SVGs. I personally think it would be a pretty awkward way to generate an SVG compared to the alternatives, since pulling the data out of the browser requires using dev tools or saving the entire pages' HTML, and if you don't care about being able to move a camera around then it's probably quicker just to draw what you want in inkscape. But if you want an interactive 3d thing and you don't care about self-intersecting objects than this is fine.
> I don’t know what you mean here. Ray marching is a rendering technique, you can choose to do it in real time, or you can choose to take hours.
Hours is really misrepresenting things. It's not ray tracing. It takes milliseconds. You can do it hundreds of times per second, with scenes that are vastly more rich and complicated than this can do.
> Yes, exactly. You have to re-render a ray-marched image if you change the resolution. That is unlike SVG, which you can re-rasterize without re-rendering.
Huh? That's a really weird distinction to make. Unless you mean "rendering" in the sense that web-devs often use it for writing tags, rasterizing and rendering are essentially the same thing. You have data and you need to convert it into pixels or blotches of ink.
If you insist on thinking of "rendering" as having a definition of the scene, then the shader you would have which defines the shapes would essentially be the "rendering". In fact it'd look very similar to the javascript, other than being written in glsl.
If I needed a ray marched scene on very fancy glossy printed paper I'd just rasterize it on a really big canvas and print that. It would take about ten milliseconds to generate that image.
> Your straw man hypothetical eliminated all of Zdog’s functionality there.
Not at all. It's perfectly fine if you want pseudo 3d in a browser. But a lot of people don't like depth sorting artifacts (I am among them). Not being able to intersect objects creates a very strict limit on what you can do. That's fine, but if you want something more flexible I was just mentioning that there's an alternative. I don't know why you're pushing back so hard on my suggestion that, specifically, if you want a 3d scene in a browser that has fewer limitations you can do that in an alternative way. You don't HAVE to. There are trade-offs. I just suggested the possibility. Signed distance fields aren't as well known as svgs are so I thought people would be interested in the concept.
> What Zdog buys is a conversion from a 3d scene description to a 2d scene description, that’s the value for me, and the very thing that ray marching does not do.
I mean, if it provides value for you to create art in that way that's great, do whatever you want. But I'm pretty sure if I polled 99/100 artists that wanted to create a static SVG file, the last thing they'd want to do is write javascript to place each object and then use the browser's dev tools to pull their data out of the SVG tag. (Most of them wouldn't even know how to do that). I mean if you don't want an interactive scene then there's much more flexible ways to create an SVG. (+ You'll notice in most of their examples, they're rendering to a canvas anyway, kind of making my point)
I guess my overall point is that if you're making something for print or you need a content authoring tool, you're probably using an entirely different set of tools, and if you're making something to be consumed in a browser, then whether you use SVG or a webgl canvas, you can achieve the same effect to the person viewing your content.
Yes, I am including both interactive and non-interactive use cases in my argument. You are assuming Zdog is limited and can only be used interactively in practice. I do disagree with your assumption.
> Hours is really misrepresenting things. It's not ray tracing. It takes milliseconds. You can do it hundreds of times per second, with scenes that are vastly more rich and complicated than this can do.
This is still irrelevant, and just not true in general, you're making assumptions and overstating ray-marching's generality. The time depends completely on what you choose to do, in all cases: with ray marching, with ray tracing, and with SVG rendering. Ray marching is usually fast and commonly used in interactive renderers, but plenty of ShaderToy shaders run much slower than hundreds of times per second. And while there are some very rich scenes, ray marching doesn't do meshes, and it isn't all that fast to render a large hand-drawn set of 2d curves (I and others have tried.)
> Huh? [...] rasterizing and rendering are essentially the same thing. You have data and you need to convert it into pixels or blotches of ink.
In the case of Zdog generating SVG, rendering and rasterizing are not the same thing. It is confusing me that you're refusing to acknowledge the utility of vector graphics, when I know you know the difference and the benefits.
Let's try saying it another way. A ray-marching shader turns an SDF in to pixels directly in one step. Zdog turns the scene description into SVG. Later, the browser or printer turns the SVG into pixels, not Zdog.
If you don't want to call it rendering vs rasterizing, then we can call it two-pass rendering. Ray marching is one pass, and there's no intermediate representation. Zdog & SVG is two-pass and there's an intermediate 2d resolution independent representation.
On the contrary to your claim that this distinction is somehow weird, the one and only singular benefit to the 2d intermediate representation is that you can change the resolution without having to re-generate the 2d description. This is the whole reason why formats like SVG and PDF even exist.
> I don't know why you're pushing back so hard on my suggestion that, specifically, if you want a 3d scene in a browser that has fewer limitations you can do that in an alternative way.
It seems like you've made some assumptions and/or misunderstood me, because I don't believe I did any such thing. I stated that ray marching (rendering to pixels) is incompatible with rendering to a vector representation. I still stand by that. To be clear, I'm not saying anything about the validity of using SDFs in a different context. I love ray marching and use it all the time. It's still not compatible with vector rendering, and I don't use ray marching for the same things I would use Zdog for.
> You are assuming Zdog is limited and can only be used interactively in practice.
Well, it is pretty limited, by design, in terms of possible constructions you can make with it. I would not call it a general purpose tool. As far as I can tell it doesn't even have an export function, you'd have to scrape the SVG data out of the tag yourself. (might be wrong, haven't closely looked at the api, just went through the examples)
> Zdog & SVG is two-pass and there's an intermediate 2d resolution independent representation.
I realize this, but there are reasons why I think this is of niche utility:
- The constructions I can make are limited; IE, this isn't a general purpose tool. It's mostly a neat toy. To me, for it to be a general purpose tool it'd need to be able to handle intersecting objects properly and it fundamentally cannot do this. I like it as a neat toy, that's not a criticism! It's good at being what it is. I just think that you can do more with other techniques, if you want to do more.
- Yes SVG is a useful format, but there are some downsides to rendering a 3d scene into an SVG: specifically, now you have to parse and interpret that data before you can even display it. That's definitely not computationally trivial. Also, having written things that render vector graphics, I can tell you that rendering vector graphics on 3d hardware is extremely hard to do efficiently. Either you need to tessellate into very high polygon meshes, or ignore the GPU entirely and do it in software on the CPU (slow!), or use much more obscure methods. I'm sure the clever people working on Chrome have done this well, but the point still stands that SVGs aren't some magical way to make graphics fast. What they're very good at is being resolution independent. Ironically, one of the more cutting edge ways to try to rasterize vector graphics faster is: ... by using signed distance fields :-) (Look up how Valve renders fonts, for instance)
- If you're saying that SVGs are more space efficient in this context then rasterized graphics, maybe, but I'd point out that even with a huge image we're talking about very few colors (in this style). You could store it in an 8bit png with extremely good lossless compression.
Yes, if you don't want z-fighting. If you don't care then this is perfectly fine. But since both approaches can be expressed in a very similar way (primitives that can easily be mathematically modeled), and rendered in the same style, I figured it's an interesting way of achieving the same thing if you want the same style and scalability while allowing for intersecting objects. The trade-off is that ray marching is more expensive.
Perhaps if you want to stay truer to the spirit of the system, then you might have zDog generate faux depth buffers for each of its shapes (using gradients when necessary).
Then you might still take advantage of Chrome’s “optimized” SVG rasterization, but also use the GPU to do depth compositing on the color buffer afterward. As a bonus, depth-fade intersection shaders could work (which are tricky with raymarching).
(Demo at the bottom of the page)