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This is what my SO and me have been doing for 8 ish years now and it's great. We call it "pocket money". I can't complain when she spends it all on shoes and bags, she can't complain when I spend it all on beer and hamburgers.

When we were poor, we both only got a little pocket money each month. Now that we're richer, we both get more. I buy hotel breakfasts now sometimes (the buffet ones), on normal work days, in my home town. It's terribly decadent but hey, it's my money. Other people buy iPhones. I have nobody to answer to but me. It's lovely.

I warmly recommend pocket money.

>I buy hotel breakfasts now sometimes (the buffet ones), on normal work days, in my home town.

Where do you find the time to clean all your monocles?

I usually ask the maid to do it.

You need to upgrade to a valet.

Does it lead to overspending? Since you have your pocket money - then you need to spend it?

If budgeted for properly, this should in their reduce overspending because the amount you can freely spend is one you've previously accounted for as "an appropriate amount."

My wife and I use the same system, and I would say no. We both tend to save ours and then spend more some months than others.

I think I get too little of it for that :-)

What happens if you spend your pocket money on end-of-life care, and then your SO wants some too?

End-of-life care has nothing to do with pocket money.

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