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Could just as easily be counter productive. Some user who's just spent a few hundred on a new Huawei installs VLC and all their other old apps. VLC tells them their choice will lead to strange behaviour. User leaves 1 star review that VLC told them their new phone was crap.

Users barely read error messages and dialogues so there's no scope for any nuance in explaining and informing.

Blocking seems the only rational approach to take. Those who can understand sideloading can likely decide if they want VLC warts and all on their Huawei.

You aren't kidding. Users are shitty and capricious in the mobile space (sometimes everywhere, but very frequently the mobile space). I've had users leave one-star reviews for my mobile app--which controls OBS, a video mixer--with the reason "it works for 20 minutes [ed.: there is a very visible timer the entire time] and then stops [ed.: it goes readonly, it doesn't kill a stream or recording] and asks you to pay [ed.: five whole dollars]."

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