Skiena has much, much more content on the motivation behind algorithms and algorithm selection than other algorithm books. It also dives headfirst into graph traversal, which "Algorithms-in-C"-type books tend to leave for the end of the book.
Other decent algorithms books are CLR (, which looks pretty on my shelf but I never use, and Knuth, which I find works better as literature than as a reference, but highly recommend anyways. Avoid Sedgewick.
I highly, highly recommend Skiena:
Skiena has much, much more content on the motivation behind algorithms and algorithm selection than other algorithm books. It also dives headfirst into graph traversal, which "Algorithms-in-C"-type books tend to leave for the end of the book.
Other decent algorithms books are CLR (, which looks pretty on my shelf but I never use, and Knuth, which I find works better as literature than as a reference, but highly recommend anyways. Avoid Sedgewick.