Those lane markins are awful. Ordinary paint, and worn out.
Compare some from the UK.
Bumpy paint, so the wheels vibrate and so they show up in the wet. Red reflectors, and barriers that would push the car back onto the road rather than into the bridge support.
I have never in my entire life been more terrified than when I drove a car from Edinburgh to Elgin; there is nobody in the world who will ever convince me that UK roads are safer than those in the US. I don't understand how every driver in the UK isn't already dead.
The UK is the 4th, 5th or 3rd safest country in the world for road fatalities, depending which metric you prefer (per capita, per vehicle, by distance driven).
Maybe you aren't used to concentrating while driving? (I'm only half joking, an American friend one made a similar remark when he visited me.)
I was definitely concentrating, and also in a semi-permanent state of yelling in terror. I don't understand why cars don't just fall off the sides of some of those roads and down into the steep ravines that appear to be the UK's (or at least Scotland's) answer to a shoulder.
Drive serpentines in southern France. Visibility ahead is only twenty meters or so and oncoming traffic regularly cuts the corner. So you suddenly find another car closing in fast on your lane!