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In your opinion.

Open discussion will not necessarily reinforce anything, people have the ability to draw their own conclusions. Personally I would rather that OP stated their opinion explicitly.

Also I actually don't know what the stereotype was that was being implied.

Thank you for asking more explanations so nicely, and sorry for being so cryptic.

I think that welfare in the US is about philanthropy, charity and "good will", and not about "social rights" as in Europe.

And that comment showed exactly that attitude: the guy is kinda confused on why that woman refuses his "good will". She is asking for rights, he is offering "good will".

In my opinion, her answer created a cognitive dissonance in his mind, and that's why he answers back so angrily. I find that attitude to social welfare super American.

I think that the American approach to welfare has ethical and practical limits. Welfare based on philanthropy and good will is not an efficient welfare: it won’t change much. It also adds a moral dimension that (imho) shouldn't be there…

Sorry for the late answer!

Nice explanation. Thanks.

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