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It's really not important to reinforce whatever stereotype your parent is implying.

In your opinion.

Open discussion will not necessarily reinforce anything, people have the ability to draw their own conclusions. Personally I would rather that OP stated their opinion explicitly.

Also I actually don't know what the stereotype was that was being implied.

Thank you for asking more explanations so nicely, and sorry for being so cryptic.

I think that welfare in the US is about philanthropy, charity and "good will", and not about "social rights" as in Europe.

And that comment showed exactly that attitude: the guy is kinda confused on why that woman refuses his "good will". She is asking for rights, he is offering "good will".

In my opinion, her answer created a cognitive dissonance in his mind, and that's why he answers back so angrily. I find that attitude to social welfare super American.

I think that the American approach to welfare has ethical and practical limits. Welfare based on philanthropy and good will is not an efficient welfare: it won’t change much. It also adds a moral dimension that (imho) shouldn't be there…

Sorry for the late answer!

Nice explanation. Thanks.

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