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1. What is your background?

2. What is your disability?

3. Do you have access to the internet?

4. Are you on disability?

5. You say you're self taught, in what?

6. What careers have you tried?

7. Do you have family or friends?

7. Are you depressed?

No problem!

1. This is kind of open ended, so I'll give it a shot. Both of my parents were janitors. I went to a private school in middle school on a work scholarship (we had to drive an hour each way, open and close the school every day). I dropped out of high school and have a few community college credits.

2. PTSD unrelated to anything I would care to discuss on HN.

3. ?

4. No. I have applied multiple times over the past six years, but long periods of being uninsured makes people wary of making any decision based off of medical data.

5. When I was 14, I founded and ran a hosting company, so I learned how to use PuTTY, maintain PHP installations, run cPanel, etc. I guess you can say I am "Okay with computers"

6. I have worked in construction, customer service, and sales across a few different industries, but all for very short periods of time. This relates to my disability.

7. I do have a small group of friends that I am very thankful for, but not to the extent that it doesn't scare me when it is snowing outside.

8. I would love to know how my answer to this matters to your estimation.

Edited for a typo.

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