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No problem!

1. This is kind of open ended, so I'll give it a shot. Both of my parents were janitors. I went to a private school in middle school on a work scholarship (we had to drive an hour each way, open and close the school every day). I dropped out of high school and have a few community college credits.

2. PTSD unrelated to anything I would care to discuss on HN.

3. ?

4. No. I have applied multiple times over the past six years, but long periods of being uninsured makes people wary of making any decision based off of medical data.

5. When I was 14, I founded and ran a hosting company, so I learned how to use PuTTY, maintain PHP installations, run cPanel, etc. I guess you can say I am "Okay with computers"

6. I have worked in construction, customer service, and sales across a few different industries, but all for very short periods of time. This relates to my disability.

7. I do have a small group of friends that I am very thankful for, but not to the extent that it doesn't scare me when it is snowing outside.

8. I would love to know how my answer to this matters to your estimation.

Edited for a typo.

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