The first list is a list of 700 books. Personally, I don't find a reading list with so many books helpful. At one book a month, it would take 58 years to get through the list.
I feel like a procrastinator when I'm not making stuff. I do read a ton of books, but in general I believe making stuff is generally more productive than reading about making stuff, so don't feel bad :)
First of all it's not a tweet storm, it's the thread that is now the official twitter feature. Secondly, there is no any good reason to prevent good twitter threads to be posted to HN. Technically you can send anything and if the community appreciates it, it does not matter what form it was presented. Thirdly, what are you HN police?
Half the comments here are complaining about twitter, and with good reason. It shouldn’t require fifteen page-downs through the avatars of a bunch of twitter blowhards, just to read a simple list of links.
Beyond that, there is basically nothing interesting about this post. It’s a list of lists of books that probably covers 99% of the NYT best selling list.
There is nothing novel or interesting to HN readers about this.
The only time linking to twitter is justified IMO is when the linked tweet is truly a primary source of breaking news. If I wanted to read any of the other BS on that site, I would use their app.
And btw it’s not true that you can “technically send anything,” as the HN guidelines [0] establish. Granted I’m guilty of violating them by calling out this post; I should have just flagged it as trash (which I did) and moved on without commenting.