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We are hypnotized by a few key beliefs which contradict our nature and reality:

- that we are separate/isolated from the rest of humanity

- that we need to be self-sufficient in order to survive

- that money has real value

- that without money we don’t have value

- that almost everything can measured in money

- that making more money is better

- that exploitation is ok and doesn’t influence us

I disagree that the trillions buy luxury. I’d argue that they expose addiction. We are burning our environment, and our personal lifetimes, faster and faster, to add numbers to wealthy peopke’s Accounts. It’s like redirecting to Dev/null.

It is a flow which creates enormous confusion, grasping, suffering, on all scales.

I visualize it as the grey tornado thing from stranger things, on planetary level, but especially intense in the US, a country with institutionalized government corruption and the most barbaric industrialized commercial healthcare in the world.

On the other hand, money can be used to support and express gratitude.

So it’s not really the money, but the hypnosis and the addiction.

So how does one not become homeless without money?

Excellent. I totally agree.

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