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It is interesting because of the amount of money you need for "traditional retirement" in the US.

If I want to live how I live now, I'll probably need to put about $3k aside into retirement each month to retire when I'm around 65!

I find this insane because I'm quite young. The $3k/mo is probably a good number to split between my IRA and brokerage account - but I don't consider my brokerage account to be strictly retirement.

More of "general investing" that I can use, if I need to or decide to, invest in something else in the future... not sure what, but I do not consider it like the IRA in the sense that I will absolutely never touch it (outside rebalancing as I get older).

Anyway... I know of quite a few people who live on 20-30k/yr (with a GOOD backup for emergencies!) sailing the world. Does that not sound fun?!

After you buy the boat!

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