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I have a desire to be free. I'm working towards never having to look at a fucking computer again. Hopefully by the time I'm 30, I'll have enough to do only need to work about three months year. The rest of the time I'm going to be surfing or rock climbing.

I too have the same desire - partly to work only on those things that interest me and partly to not have to deal with recruiters, office politics, mindless meetings etc etc. The amount of meaningless tasks we need to do in a job is insane

Why can't you do this now? Three months of software contract work is more income than 99% of the planet earns in a year.

I wish I could learn Computer Science like Neo in The Matrix. ;) I would love to have such a brain to accomplish a year salary in 3 mo

Not saying he couldn't do it now, but 99% of the planet lives in undesirable situations.

Undesirable from our perspective perhaps, but also not quite the same, or as bad as, what we might imagine.

See this website: dollarstreet.org.

Looking at the photos of some of the poorest places, I suppose they're undesirable from my perspective now, but if I moved there and lived there long enough and adapted, I could see myself finding contentment with less.

Yup, FREEDOM ! is my choice as well. By managing expenses I don't need millions in the bank.

BTW: how are you going to earn enough in 3 months / year if you are never going to look at a computer again? I can't think of any endeavour where some for of IT isn't in use.

I actually want more screen-time. But screen-time doing my own projects and tinkering rather than making $$ for mega-corp. Though making $$ for mega-corp is its own type of fun, so I can't totally complain about my full-time job.

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