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Too bad that hedonic adaptation [0] exists. The longer we live, the more we become addicted to expensive comforts.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedonic_treadmill

This isn't inevitable. People do quit high-paying jobs to do something else. Early retirement happens.

Yep, I'm currently going in the opposite direction. I'm now spending less on food and clothing than I've ever spent in my entire life. Rent is about the same as before, but I'm going to find ways of reducing that as well.

For more info about this lifestyle, see this website: http://earlyretirementextreme.com

I used to be on the side of cheap clothes. It was a recent realization that clothes that cost more are more comfortable and unless you're buying too much it doesn't add a lot of expense.

Right. Spending money on things you'll use everyday, that keep you warm, that make you feel comfortable, physically and mentally?

As long as you're done with your growth spurt, and have your personal style without need to look trendy every season, I see no need to try to buy the cheapest clothes. Affordable, sure, but without sacrificing quality.

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