What are books that you read for a specific topic, that you've found massive use for in a variety of areas in daily life?
I thought to submit this thread after reading
> Reading the book (on operant conditioning, with particular emphasis on how it can be used to train dogs) was transformative for me. Operant conditioning is such a major force in shaping our behaviour. I learnt an awful lot of things from this book which should have been taught in school; I see the principles around me in action every day, but they're just not the kind of thing one habitually pays attention to.
In regards to a book about dog training.
Other books I've seen this mentioned about:
- "The Inner Game of Tennis"
- "Nonviolent Communication"
- "The Design of Everyday Things"
- "How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk"
What are books you read on a specific topic, that have ended up changing your view of daily life, or being useful in many more situations than just the topic of the book?