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mtrunkat on Nov 9, 2017 | hide | past | favorite

You're going too hard on the HN marketing. This is your third post in 21 days about apify, slow it down.

He probably shouldn't be using Medium to market his thing either. The signal-to-noise ratio is way too low. Unless the post really grabs my attention really quickly, I'm likely to close the tab. Custom-made, well designed, websites get a lot more of my patience.

Hey guys, sorry for the bother, we certainly don't want to abuse HN. All the posts had entirely different topics and we believe there are people who might genuinely benefit from them. If that's not the case, people won't upvote the posts and they will quickly fall into oblivion.

They didn't have different topics. They were all slightly different takes on "use apify".

It would be interesting to correlate 'trajectory' with words in the post title.

How about RSS feeds?

Check out my previous blogpost - how to easily create a RSS feed for websites that don't have it


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