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Also, the Google memo explicitly did not say that women should not be coders.

Sure. The author just wrote it as a purely informative note about biology and genetics, and intended it to have absolutely no relationship to hiring or evaluation in any way, shape or form.

Hint: people don't write up this kind of thing if they think it shouldn't affect hiring and evaluation.

I know it is bad style, but I still have to sincerely doubt that you actually read the memo. The author explicitly states what his goals were (a change in which pro-diversity methods to apply, end of positive discrimination, being aware that 50-50 is an unreasonable goal if biological differences exist, focusing on what is right for google instead of what gender ideology dictates, which includes raising diversity though, because that's good for google). I'll end this discussion here, you are either unwilling to read or unwilling to understand the memo, as well as the video I linked.

It is terrible style for you and Googlebro to keep asserting a 50/50 quota that nobody else ever said was the goal while insisting that it's your critics who are misrepresenting what was said.

It is also terrible style to be so bad at math as to claim or imply that the tiny observed differences on skills tests would produce the gigantic skew in gender ratio we observe. But hey, just piling up more evidence that he was unqualified for the job anyway, and should be replaced by someone with icky girlskills like, you know, actually being able to research something and think critically about it.

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