We asked the HackerNews community, “What do you want to see in Ubuntu 17.10?”: https://ubu.one/AskHN and a passionate discussion ensued, the results are at: http://ubu.one/thankHN
You can check that link and see our progress. Already in beta for 17.10:
- GNOME replaced Unity
- Bluetooth improvements with a new BlueZ
- Switched to libinput
- 4K/Multimonitor/HiDPI improvements
- Upgraded to Network Manager 1.8
- New Subiquity server installer
- Minimal images (36MB, 18% smaller)
And several others have excellent work in progress, and will be complete by 17.10:
- Autoremove old kernels from /boot
- EXT4 encryption with fscrypt
- Better GPU/CUDA support
Your feedback matters! There are hundreds of engineers working for you to continue making Ubuntu amazing!
We're now reviewing the desktop applications we package and ship in Ubuntu.
We invite you to submit the apps you find most useful in Linux, in the format defined below. You can suggest multiple apps in priority order (e.g. Web Browser: Firefox, Chrome, Chromium). Please note apps that are now you use exclusively on the web (e.g. Email Client: Gmail web, Office Suite: Office360 web). If the software isn’t open source, note that (e.g. Music Player: Spotify non-free). If we missed a category, please add it in the same format. If your apps aren’t packaged yet, please let us know, as we’re creating hundreds of new snap packages for desktop apps.
Web Browser: ???
Email Client: ???
Terminal: ???
IDE: ???
File manager: ???
Basic Text Editor: ???
IRC/Messaging Client: ???
PDF Reader: ???
Office Suite: ???
Calendar: ???
Video Player: ???
Music Player: ???
Photo Viewer: ???
Screen recording: ???
We’ve cross-posted this thread to Reddit and Slashdot. We very much look forward to another friendly, energetic, collaborative discussion.
@Canonical @Ubuntu