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I'm assuming you've seen this, but if you haven't: http://ea-spouse.livejournal.com/274.html

Oh God, yeah. Working like crazy for yourself is one thing. Forcing others to adopt crazy work habits is another.

If people are genuinely excited about working for you and choose to put in long hours, you thank them, reward them for their efforts and remind them to go home, eat, sleep, spend time with their family, etc. Some people have higher thresholds, some people lower, so I don't think you can enforce any particular rule straight across the board. But you can provide a healthy environment. If my husband ever became a tyrant, he wouldn't be my husband anymore. He knows that :)

I'll never forget reading the EA spouse stuff for the first time. It's like the emblem for "Never, EVER, treat your staff like this".

Why anyone would stay at a job like that is beyond me. 12 hour days 7 days a week? That's just stupid. Much rather program mind-numbingly boring business apps and go home at 5.

Ah, but perhaps you have never had the opportunity to be in a Reality Distortion Field. And your choice is certainly better for family life.

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