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Show HN: 1-hour Interview with DHH from Basecamp about Marketing BS (MP3) (dropbox.com)
8 points by gresquare on March 30, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Well, I don't usually listen to podcasts, but I'm really glad I took some time to listen to yours.

As everything else, a lot of this common marketing BS are very seductive when you're in need. They're usually advertised as a way to get higher sign-up and conversion rates and, when you fear that you might be going out of business, an exit popup with an autoplaying video doesn't even look as bad as it really is.

I'm looking forward to listening to your next episodes. ;-)

Thanks so much! I'm only seeing this now. RESIST THE TEMPTATION :)

We're live as off today btw: everyonehatesmarketers.com

I am going to wait for this to come out on the Everyone Hates Marketers podcast. My phone will not let me download it correctly. I use the Pocket Casts app when its official and this solves the issue.

Ok, that makes sense. Here's my email if you want to get notified: louis@everyonehatesmarketers.com

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