In Go one can use template library to add custom generics using already known syntax. Essentially it will be Go source with familiar template annotations. Surely it is still a non-standard language, but the setup is trivial and extra flexibility of custom DSL may suits some projects better than hypothetical Go-with-generics.
> In Go one can use template library to add custom generics using already known syntax. Essentially it will be Go source with familiar template annotations. Surely it is still a non-standard language, but the setup is trivial and extra flexibility of custom DSL may suits some projects better than hypothetical Go-with-generics.
You answer addresses none of the points I was making. Your custom DSL is something you have to maintain on your own, and it obviously yet another thing that fragments the go community. Imagine if C had no macros and everybody would use its own pre-processor that you need to download before compiling a C lib. Go is exactly in the same situation. It's obviously "not a feature", nor simple, nor readable, nor smart, nor practical.