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NASA's currently testing an engine that isn't supposed to be possible -


In space where flight also wasn't supposed to be possible -


"Impossible" has been wrong before.

How ironic you should choose the EmDrive, which has been thoroughly busted[1] in much the same way as Water Seer et al, as your example.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCAqDA8IfR4

EM drive was just a recent example of my point - that people touting a little bit of science have been wrong to declare something impossible many times.

NASA and others are still testing those drives so last year might be a bit premature to write the idea off?


The difference is we don't know how the EM drive is working (or are we sure it is working).

The 3 projects in the parents flat out don't work, and we know why they don't work -- or at least know to what extent they will work.

By the logic you have presented then we should be funding projects that wish to compress all 8 bit connotations into 7 bits. I can go make a nice video of how awesome it would be if we could do this. How it would change the world. Literally, if somebody could compress every 8 bit combination into 7 bits it would change the world overnight. Should we fund a product that advertises it could do this with a nice video and a website?

>EM drive was just a recent example of my point - that people touting a little bit of science have been wrong to declare something impossible many times.

Your example busts your point wide open!

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