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Another (cheaper?) solution would be to randomise the location of the keys each unlock attempt.

It would cause me a massive problem - I basically only remember my pattern

One of my banks does this for online PIN entry and it's amazing how much it slows you down not being able to do it via muscle memory.

It would also make it impossible to unlock device off-sight (in the pocket) and increase chances of shoulder-surfing.

The proper solution would be let user draw some figure anywhere on the screen then OCR it.

I use a pattern for my unlock, and you don't even need thermal imaging - you can see the smear left on the screen by my finger.

Android -> Settings -> Lock screen -> Scramble pin layout.

If you are talking in general, hmmm yea hard, especially if it's mandatory.

Or move the location of the keys around the screen (but keep the order)

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