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>It’s odd that Microsoft has suddenly become so enamored with ads in Windows 10.

I told a colleague 18 months ago that I didn't want to move to Windows 10 because I didn't want advertising in my operating system. He insisted Microsoft would never do that, and I snorted at him.

Microsoft has been very clear and transparent about their goals with windows 10. It exists to push their other products. The app store is one of them, but of course onedrive and office365 are others. This isn't microsoft being suddenly enamored with ads, it's them closing the jaws of the trap.

Yeah, I wish there was another operating system. Mac is tied to expensive hardware and I just can't get myself to like the overall UX of Linux

>I just can't get myself to like the overall UX of Linux

There's at least four mainstream UX's to choose from and a few dozen small ones if you feel adventuresome. What desktops have you tried?

It's not as much the look of the desktop as it is a bunch of little things about the OS. The command line stuff is nice but not useful unless I'm programming, I've found lots of stuff concerning configuration to be a little obtuse (knowing what's what in a configuration file takes some time), worrying about drivers isn't fun, and many common programs aren't on Linux and if they have an alternative it often isn't as good. Those are just a few reasons off the top of my head so don't take them as exhaustive or as authoritative but just a random opinion. I use Linux for programming and it's nice but for day to day use it suffers some problems for me (largely because of low adoption of the general desktop market I think).

> many common programs aren't on Linux and if they have an alternative it often isn't as good.

What programs is that? In my experience, unless you are using a bunch of specialized proprietary apps on Windows almost everything open source is on Linux and is better implemented.

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