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Yet, can't handle figure out a way to support remote employees.

Would you please stop posting unsubstantive comments to HN?

I was a team lead for an IBM operations team for 6 months in 2016. Aside from my first two days, I worked from home the entire duration of the role, based in Sydney. Most of my staff were in China, with handoff to the next shift in Europe (who were all remote staff as well).

Why do people do this?

News: "A does X."

You: "They don't do Y."

What is the thought process involved in this behavior?

The thought process is that someone gets badly burned by Y, so the association with A becomes very strong - stronger than any other association. Now every time someone mentions A, they bring up Y.

I think it's this:

News: A does X.

Thought process: A

Thought process: Pop stack about A and post it.

This has really become common while my Facebook friends play politics.

I'm pretty sure you can't work from home at IBM anymore, which is a bummer in today's world.

You definitely can - I know that many of them still do. However, I'm not sure how many people do this 100% of the time.

Nope, they recently changed their policy where your manager has to go through tons of paperwork for you to work from home one day a month! One of my really good friend works for IBM and that person told me about it.

Your friend is misinformed. The marketing department is the only group that did this. It is not even close to a blanket policy right now.

IBM's policy seems to have changed recently. https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/02/08/ibm_no_more_telecom...

From your article: "IBM has spent the past couple of years undertaking a massive turnaround effort to transition from its servers and services business model to one focused more on cloud, security, analytics, and mobile. That turnaround has brought with it thousands of job cuts."

While it's obvious that IBM is trying to cross the same CASM (cloud, security, analytics and mobile[1]) as their "West Coast competitors", I'm glad that IBM is still investing in basic research as per the OP submission.

[1] https://dupress.deloitte.com/dup-us-en/deloitte-review/issue...

People I know there work from home and love it.

Bitter much?

Yeah, actually. I am.

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