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Can you give an example of errors introduced by using "class"?

There's a lot of reasons against classes in JS. This list has a lot of articles. https://github.com/joshburgess/not-awesome-es6-classes A common point seems to be against the brittleness caused by inheritance (including prototypical) in general. Personally, I find that the tiny amount of performance you give up by using factory and composition patterns is generally worth not having to deal with binding the right context

Grand-parent comment asked for an example of an error introduced by using class that would've been avoided with prototype inheritance, and you respond with an "awesome" "curated" list of opinion pieces and conference talks by famous devs and rockstars...

This is what's wrong with the JS community and why everything is so hype driven... this list gives the impression that if you want to be a good JS developer you should've even THINK about trying to use classes in your JS because if you do then you don't truly "get" JS.

Think for yourself and decide if classes will improve your code in the way you plan to use it. Classes have hugely improved my company's JavaScript, it works well considering our developers understand OOP much better than they do functional programming, which I think is pretty common.

We don't rely on inheritance, we reuse by composition (which is just as easy to do with class as it is to do with protypes).

Classes are fine! Use them if you want to! Don't use them if your existing code relies heavily on prototypal inheritance, but if you just wanna wrap some methods around some internal state and you like the way the class syntax looks compared to the prototype syntax don't let some think piece on medium try to convince you that classes are bad.

EDIT: sorry to go off on a slightly OT rant on your comment... I just got frustrated by the link you posted.

That list is actually making fun of what you're describing in the JS community. "Not Awesome" is a play on the "Awesome" lists like this [https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome]

JS classes were extremely hyped up a year ago. Taking a stance against classes was going very hard against the hype.

How well your devs understand the code is the only real metric. If you understand OOP better, stick with it!

Huh, I must have missed the "classes are great" wave. I only remember the "classes are bad" FUD represented by this list... HN is my main connection to the hype train these days since I quit Twitter.

> How well your devs understand the code is the only real metric. If you understand OOP better, stick with it!


That doesn't really answer OPs question though?

He's asking about why manipulating prototypes directly is better than doing so via the class keyword sugar, and your response seems to explains why you probably shouldn't do either one.

Kyle Simpson has a good writeup of the class keyword from his series of books "You don't know Javascript". https://github.com/getify/You-Dont-Know-JS/blob/master/this%... You can read through the gotchas section and come up with your own conclusions.

Classes enforce a strict hierarchical relationship which is rarely how the real world works. And you also inherit everything from a parent class whether you need it or not. One alternative to class inheritance possible with javascript is object composition (usually Object.assign()) which does not enforce a hierarchical relationship and you can use only what you want from other objects. More flexible, less brittle. Eric Elliot goes into details with concrete examples in this article. https://medium.com/javascript-scene/master-the-javascript-in...

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