So much this. I manage (using Echofon) by muting large numbers of people and casting them into 'talkative' and 'very-talkative' lists, which I glance at occasionally. The less frenetic tweeters then make up my main always-on feed. But it's a horrible hack for something that is so fundamental to the user experience.
Twitter could be so much better by fixing a few low-hanging UX fruit like this. Three others:
* let me zoom in on a picture without having to right-click and "Open image in new tab". I can't believe I actually have to point this out.
* text docs as attachments (like pics/videos). A stream of tweets from the same author, replying to each other is kinda cute once, not so much the next n000 times.
* it would be nice if any videos actually played in my incredibly weird rare browser (some thing called Chromium)
Twitter could be so much better by fixing a few low-hanging UX fruit like this. Three others:
* let me zoom in on a picture without having to right-click and "Open image in new tab". I can't believe I actually have to point this out.
* text docs as attachments (like pics/videos). A stream of tweets from the same author, replying to each other is kinda cute once, not so much the next n000 times.
* it would be nice if any videos actually played in my incredibly weird rare browser (some thing called Chromium)