It's more subtle than that. For most things, we guarantee no breakage at all, and we do runs like that (though not against github, but against to verify we haven't accidentally broken something.
For stuff that we are allowed to change, but might cause breakage, we will try to find stuff and send PRs.
But the default and our intention is zero breakage as much as possible, not just "we'll fix it for you". We'd guarantee absolutely none but it's not actually possible in a statically typed language, so we have to go with "effectively none."
For stuff that we are allowed to change, but might cause breakage, we will try to find stuff and send PRs.
But the default and our intention is zero breakage as much as possible, not just "we'll fix it for you". We'd guarantee absolutely none but it's not actually possible in a statically typed language, so we have to go with "effectively none."