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I've only been coding for 11 years professionally, but also as a hobby before that. Only in 2016 did I move most of my work out of VIM into an IDE: the Jetbrains family. That mostly started for better interactive debugging, but with IDEAVim handling 95% of my VIMisms I find that I'm simply coding in PyCharm and PhpStorm by default now.

The base editor is open source but you can get the full PyCharm for $99 per year. Worth every cent.

I've used PyCharm. The editing feature is beyond useless to me, because it does not have vim key bindings. How am I supposed to cut and paste code when commands like "y}" don't work? You actually expect me to use a mouse to select things or move the cursor? Ridiculous.

The only thing I've found PyCharm good for is doing other functions, like linting, not for the actual code editing. No IDE is any good for that. Luckily, PyCharm works just fine when the code it's working with changes on the filesystem below it because of the use of an external editor.

There is VIM plug-in for Intellij family IDEs. It covers the great part of VIM functionality. It even supports some sort of VIM configs. "y}" works fine, as well as "yi{".

This sound you are trapped in vim keybindings. There is no need to use a mouse on "normal" editors.

"y}" works with IdeaVIM. https://github.com/JetBrains/ideavim

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