I am an old fart. 47 years old. Thats dead in computer years. First computer at 16. 48k of memory. A closet nerd. closet. I don't look like a computer guy. I know. I know. I have been told so many times. I go back. ms dos.. dbase qbasic. And I know the modern stuff. 20 year track record
I won't bore you. 10 years C# SQl server. Im playing with nodejs and vuejs now...
Anyway. I have been to 5 interviews this month
and nobody gave me a fucking job. Programming has humbled me I know you can only know so much.
I blew 5 interviews this month. 5. Thats crazy.
Every single one of these interviews was somebody asking me some random shit. RANDOM shite and if I didn't answer there random generated shite I didnt get the job.
I should have been a dentist I would have gotten more respect and maybe more love. Any replies.
In interviews today, the expectation is that the candidate should be perfect, do this, that, don't forget to do this. But the interviewer has no such requirement. The interviewer can reject you because "They had a bad day".....seriously, this is what companies say. Look at some answers here: https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-possible-reasons-of-being...
So the candidate has to be PERFECT but the interviewer can reject because they are just HUMANS? How the hell does this make sense?
Maybe we need yelp for interviewers. A rating system will weed out bad interviewers and bad company policies.