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Agreed. Once you know React it's incredibly quick to throw something together (especially if you use Material UI or similar). jQuery is definitely simpler but the props/state model of React means fewer bugs slip through the cracks when you're in a hurry.

(and my usual disclaimer - if you're going to use React for a quick project, you can probably use Preact and save the extra bloat)

Top 100 run-time dependencies of react apps in terms of number of usage : https://airtable.com/shrfmD9l5rAW4Z03N/tbls8DesxQZT7VH0p/viw... jQuery is in 15th position.

Hey, I never said people are doing it right.

React completely removes the need for jQuery if you're using it correctly, because you should rarely if ever touch the DOM, and jQuery is... a DOM manipulation library.

jQuery nowadays is much more than DOM manipulation lib. In the latest version it gives the promises that are compatible with Promises/A+ spec. It has the powerful ajax calls functions.

They all moved on so they have no idea how good it is.

I mean instead of adding polyfills for "fetch" api and "es6 promises" that brings a gazillion dependencies with them, one can simply add jquery package that has ZERO runtime dependencies(https://github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/master/package.json) and have ajax calls, promises and much, much more out of the box. I love jQuery.

Or you could add a fetch polyfill with zero dependencies:


And a Promises library with zero dependencies:


This is not as difficult as you're making it out to be.

It's still 2 dependencies in your project versus 1 dependency.

1 dependency that's 34.6KB minified. That's a lot more than the two separate dependencies, and besides, once you've gone to the trouble of adding a package.json to add one dependency, adding one more is a very small step.

where 34.6KB size came from? I don't get it

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