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They all moved on so they have no idea how good it is.

I mean instead of adding polyfills for "fetch" api and "es6 promises" that brings a gazillion dependencies with them, one can simply add jquery package that has ZERO runtime dependencies(https://github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/master/package.json) and have ajax calls, promises and much, much more out of the box. I love jQuery.

Or you could add a fetch polyfill with zero dependencies:


And a Promises library with zero dependencies:


This is not as difficult as you're making it out to be.

It's still 2 dependencies in your project versus 1 dependency.

1 dependency that's 34.6KB minified. That's a lot more than the two separate dependencies, and besides, once you've gone to the trouble of adding a package.json to add one dependency, adding one more is a very small step.

where 34.6KB size came from? I don't get it

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