The default gopath does not help there. Sure, if a user knows how to use go's insane global-project-directory-bullshit then they don't need this, but since it's a go-specific bullshit, they might not.
Every sane language lets you have a directory where you want for each unrelated project. Only go dictates some crazy tree and defaults to creating it for you in $HOME
Right. But in order to build a go project, you need the go compiler. And the go compiler comes with "go get". So my question was more: if a user has installed go (properly) should not "go get" be the sane, easy, one way to install a project?
And isn't "fixing" "go get" better than adding a dependency on make?
(and I guess this project in a sense is a way to fix "go get", but it seems thrasher fragile; any one project might end up with a broken makefile by accident)..