Okay, perhaps I'm out of the loop. Is this created for marketing purposes, technical purposes, or something else? What makes this different from a random Ludum Dare-style submission, other than the Netflix logo?
As others have said. Pablo & Marco Polo. Piper Chapman from Orange is the New Black and Mike Wheeler from Stranger Things. (Won't make sense if you haven't seen the shows)
I can only confirm the first two, but they're the stars of their respective Netflix Original Series. The background and enemies are thematic to their shows.
pablo escobar is from their original Narcos. Music is adapted from show's theme. he is delivering cocaine and running from cops. Same with rest of them .
I think besides the logo the characters that run are related to Netflix show. It struck me only after I read your comment.
Marco Polo - from Marco Polo series
The female - from Organge is new Apple
Pablo - from some drug related tv series. (is he the math teacher who makes crack ?)