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I may just do the wim hof method sometime in the year. After a crazy 2016 where I let the information flood me, I feel that understanding and appreciation for things was low. My intuition says it might be better to focus on a thing a month or two (depending on how alien the thing is) to get to a place where the mind has adjusted its cache eviction policies and made the new item into L1/L2).

In terms of practical benefits, I still hunt for python idioms on a routine basis. Owning and flipping through a book occasionally comes to mind. Any suggestions? (I am pretty good with multiple years on the language across 2 and 3)

I would like to stop flirting with machine learning and just finish essential chapters from statistical inference and spend time on linear algebra. Then maybe I would try to understand backpropagation for real. Meanwhile, applications must continue to be built and I must learn effective techniques to preprocess data. I would like to do more work in Pandas and Hive.

I've found my notes to be a trustworthy friend. I need to set myself a reward system to inculcate a habit of writing more (daily thoughts, project ideas, blog...) (and on paper)

I would like to fingerpick a few songs I have in mind too.

This would be a good list if I go deep. Could I make space for haskell, clojure, scala? Probably not. Might just read Backus's functional language paper though.

One book to read every month - The Power of Now.

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