I agree that Silicon Valley is in NEED of a crash.
But NOT because there is no innovation. But because there is a lot of innovation and that real innovation is getting squished by get rich schemes (I have no other descriptions for some startups). This is like with all bubbles: fundamentals will start it but then speculators will take over causing the bubble.
You and I have different ideas of innovation. You are likely thinking in a capitalistic sense of a view (disclaimer before I get thrashed on: I am not thinking capitalistically) perhaps you can name me a few particular up and coming companies YOU think are doing imperative, highly-important and highly-beneficial things for us humans? Companies that, 10 years from now, will be so imperative to our survival and well-being that they will fit directly into the Maslow Heirarchy of Needs?
I scroll through Tech Crunch regularly. My honest observation: 95% of tech-startups are, as I said earlier, F-U-G-A-Z-I-S. Companies that fuel narcissism. Companies that are spin-offs of companies that fuel narcissism. Companies that perform services for other FUGAZI companies. Ad companies. Companies that provide streaming, so millions of Americans can watch Kim Kardashian on their Mac. I don't want to be a philosophical hippy, I am not one of those, but nobody here can deny that all of this is a pathetic coping mechanism.
Why are we coping? We are coping because we are a too primitive and unevolved monkey species to take anything to the next parallel. Even something such as space exploration is science-fiction, meeting a different species of life? Science fiction. Some sort of child pipe-dream we've learned from Hollywood (another FUGAZI)
How about something to help us find a slight meaning to existence. Isn't this the root-goal, at it's core? I look out with clear focus on the surroundings, but I do not understand. Then I go back to FUGAZI-land. It's imperative I figure out myself, but society is an obstacle (despite it's perks)
To sum it up: 95% of Silicon Valley is a primitive coping mechanism.
It's hard to take you seriously when you are being so antagonistic. You can make the argument that Silicon Valley is lacking in innovation, but you don't need to poison that argument right out the door by pushing a worldview that these companies all exist to fuel narcissism, thereby implicitly insulting everyone who likes these products.
I don't use things like SnapChat and Facebook myself, but I also don't act as though these companies aren't innovating, and i don't shame their users. Perfectly reasonable, intelligent, kind and well-adjusted enjoy browsing Facebook every day, and there is nothing wrong with that. And have you seen what's coming out of (for example) Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research labs recently? Is legitimate progress not innovation because it supports capitalist processes that you disagree with?
In short, you're being judgemental and instead of coming across as passionate and self-aware, you're coming across as puerile and angry.
>Companies that, 10 years from now, will be so imperative to our survival and well-being that they will fit directly into the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs?
Can you name any?
no company invented sexual intimacy, or family, or achievement, or hunger.
cars arent on maslows hierarchy, does that mean the invention of the car wasnt innovative?
I dont see flight either, agriculture isnt there, drought resistant crops, eyeglasses, dental care, surgical advancements, pharmaceutical advancements, improvements in the safety and availability of water, accessibility of information, the personal computer, etc.
Before you make some argument about how pharmaceutical advancements would count as 'Health' under the 'Safety' section, then you need to show how facebook and instagram dont fall under friendship, self-esteem, confidence, respect of others, creativity, etc.
how is tinder not related to sexual intimacy? how is linked in not related to security of employment?
But NOT because there is no innovation. But because there is a lot of innovation and that real innovation is getting squished by get rich schemes (I have no other descriptions for some startups). This is like with all bubbles: fundamentals will start it but then speculators will take over causing the bubble.