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Distributed file storage: MogileFS (uncov.com)
6 points by bootload on April 12, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Another example of Brad Fitzpatrick showing what a hacker armed with Perl (and occasionally C) can do. He creates tools that obsolete expensive equipment in weekends.

Perlbal = Who needs a $200k "intelligent" hardware load balancer?

MogileFS = RAID my bank account? No thanks I'll use commodity disks on the cheap.

Memcached = A hundred DB servers? How about we just utilize the extra memory on the network and cache a lot, thanks.

Gotta agree. Best thing MT & 6Apart did hiring this guy. I can't help think that if some of these tools intelligently applied with twitter (or MySpace) they might be doing better than '11,000 s' ~ http://news.ycombinator.com/comments?id=12441

The reason I added this was I was looking for topics on scaling. Google (lots of reads), Livejournal (lots of writes & reads) must be doing something right in scaling to have a look at. One point Paul Buchheit [0] made in Startup School 2007 was the difference b/w types of data. Big data & small data. The later you should use DRAM for. Wonder if Twitter uses 'memcached'?


[0] Startup School 2007 Wiki, 'Paul Buchheit creator of GMAIL at YCombinator Startup School'


Six Apart didn't hire Brad -- they acquired LiveJournal from him and named him "Chief Architect" or something. He's an amazing hacker and a reluctantly-badass entrepreneur.

I'm sure Twitter will use memcached, like Facebook/Digg both do. Dealing with 11k rps doesn't really tell us much though -- how many are dynamic and how many are cachable/static?

From the "5 questions" interview their developer does not seem to be amazingly qualified to do what he's doing -- definitely no Fitzpatrick.

'... Six Apart didn't hire Brad -- they acquired LiveJournal from him and named him "Chief Architect" or something ...'

Same result.

'... their developer does not seem to be amazingly qualified to do what he's doing ...'

The thing that strikes me is the system is not layered enough. The API's the app developers should be calling would shield having to deal with these types of problems. nostrodemons [0] summared flickrs approach to optomisation. [1] So is it the lack of a scaling infrastructure where twitter is failing?

'... how many are dynamic and how many are cachable/static ...'

One thing I notice with twitter is the update on the sytem. Every 2 minutes. For most users 5-10 minutes would probably be ample. I often wonder why they don't say "right you want RT, well here's the monthly subscription".

As for the dynamic and cacheable, the main hits appear to be reads of RSS public timeline. [2] RT creation allows no or little caching as the RSS would be built on the fly. Couple that with Rails in ability to talk to multiple db's [3] and you get bottle necks. Makes you wonder why they don't switch certain layers to perl?

'... definitely no Fitzpatrick ...'

Rare as hens teeth.


[0] nostrodemons, 'news.yc user'


[1] nostrodemons, 'comments in Startup founders, what books did you find most helpful?'


[2] google groups, twitter development talk, Alex Pain 'we don't gaurentee that you'll be able to collect contiguous sets of data from the public timeline API method. It's our most-requested method, so right now it's optimized for performance, not archival'


[3] Twitter trouble, 'there’s no facility in Rails to talk to more than one database at a time', Ibid.

'... He's an amazing hacker and a reluctantly-badass entrepreneur. ...'

Yep, OpenID ~ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Openid

I messed around with getting this setup a couple of weeks ago. It was a long process, and I moved on to something else before I ever finished.

Does anyone else have this up and running? Could you share your thoughts and experience with MogileFS? Thanks!

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