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Yes, why can't we have

and then if a new port is desired, just

  cp Makefile.template Makefile.'uname' && vi Makefile.'uname'
UNIX: keeping it simple since 1970.

I built a fair bit of OSS on SUA back when that existed. Autoconf projects were wonderful: download the tarball, if the tarball is older than the OS I'm building on then replace config.sub, ./configure, make, make install. All standard, all scriptable; never once had a problem with a project that used autotools (or, in fairness, CMake or SCons - all the big reasonably standardized build systems work).

People who'd "kept it simple" like you suggest were the bane of my life. I spent more time debugging each of those builds than all of the builds that used actual tools combined.

(Ironically enough "all projects must use autotools" seems like a quite cathedrally attitude though)

Yeah, nowadays I just embrace OS agnostic languages with rich runtimes and don't care about those things anymore.

There are of course occasional glitches, but not like those ones.

Two problems:

1. That just pushes the issue back to the language implementors. Ever discover that your favorite language is unavailable on your new platform?

2. You get restricted to the least common denominator. Thay one OS feature that would make your app 10x faster? Sorry.

The first problem is common to all languages.

Do you think C had any major meaning outside UNIX, before it got largely adopted in the industry?

It was just yet another language with dialects that had some kind of compatibility, with Small-C being the most used one.

For the second point, also not an issue unless the language doesn't support FFI.

The beauty of runtimes, instead of bare bones C, is that they can be tuned to make the best of each OS APIs, while keeping the code portable.

This is nothing new, it was quite common outside AT&T.

Last I heard Microsoft Windows was obsolete something like ten years ago, is there an operating system other than UNIX left out there, that your application would have to be agnostic?

Yes, Web browser as OS, MacOS X, iOS, Android and all the IoT ones.

There isn't a standard UNIX way to do GUIs, bluetooth, NPC, GPGPU, touch screens, cryptography, printers, medical devices, ...

All that UNIX has is POSIX, http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/ , which only focus on CLI and daemons as applications.

Anything else are not portable APIs that don't have necessarily to do with UNIX.

It doesn't matter that the kernel is UNIX like, if what is on top of it isn't.

And anyone that only knows GNU/Linux as UNIX, should read "Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment" from W. Richard Stevens/Stephen A. Rago, to see what actually means to write portable UNIX code across POSIX implementations.

Android? In this context, that's UNIX. MacOS X is UNIX. Even the z/OS on the mainframe has a UNIX03 compliant UNIX subsystem. You were saying...?

GUI is dead; if your application doesn't run on the server and display the results either on the command line or in a web browser, you're doing it wrong.

> Android? In this context, that's UNIX. MacOS X is UNIX. Even the z/OS on the mainframe has a UNIX03 compliant UNIX subsystem. You were saying...?

So you use VI and Emacs on Android, generate postscript and troff files, configure /etc/passwd and /etc/init.d

How does your Android .profile look like?

Yes z/OS has a POSIX subsystem, it also doesn't support anything besides CLI, daemos and batch processing.

Mac OS X is a certified UNIX, however none of the APIs that matter. You known, those written in Objective-C and Swift are UNIX.

> GUI is dead; if your application doesn't run on the server and display the results either on the command line or in a web browser, you're doing it wrong.

Better let all of those that earn money targeting infotainment systems, medical devices, factory control units, GPS units, iOS, Android, game consoles, smart watches, VR units, POS, ... that they are doing it wrong.

So you use VI and Emacs on Android, generate postscript and troff files, configure /etc/passwd and /etc/init.d

I don't use Android, because it's a ridiculously hacked-up version of GNU/Linux (as if being based on GNU/Linux isn't bad enough).

Have you spawned a shell on it? The filesystem is a royal mess, the likes of which I've never seen before. Could I run vi and groff and even SVR4 nroff on it? Yes, if I wanted to waste my time with it, I could.

How does your Android .profile look like?

I didn't touch .profile because I don't care for bash one bit, but it was there.

However, in this context, it's still UNIX. A hacked-up, ugly UNIX severely mutilated to run on mobile telephones and tables, but conceptually UNIX nevertheless (honestly, I have never seen anything to hacked-up and mutilated like Android, and you can bet that in 30+ years of working with computers, one sees all kinds of things).

Depends on if his employer decides to start targeting OS/2 ATM's, THEOS desktops, non-IBM mainframes, non-POSIX RTOS's, or the lonely market for Amiga's. ;)

Even AmigaOS has web browsers (just surfed the web from Aweb under AmigaOS). And a shell, so stdout/stderr works too.

Hey, that's cheating if you're putting all the OS specific functions in its own app that moves data to/from those. It's what high-security did for Ada, Java, and UNIX runtimes on separation kernels. Significant, performance penalties in many desktop applications.

Desktop is dead!!! The '90's of the past century called and said they want the desktop back!

People don't want a clunky computer any more; except for computer people, I don't know anybody from general population who has one. I'm offended that we're even wasting time discussing desktop anything!

People just happen to carry their desktops on their pockets and use this thing called apps on them.

Also I don't see anything here on these APIs,




That relate to these ones:


People just happen to carry their desktops on their pockets

You mean they carry their portable UNIX servers in their pockets with them. Since they all come with a web browser, there's your application's or your server's front end.

and use this thing called apps on them.

I have a few of those on my mobile UNIX server as well. Stupidest thing I've ever seen or used, "apps". What for, when they could have used a web browser to display their front ends, or could have ran on a backend server and just sent the display to the web browser? Most of those "apps" I use won't function without an InterNet uplink anyway... idiocy pur.

Ironically the web browser as application runtime doesn't have anything to do with UNIX, it can even be running bare metal.

Which means the OS running on the server is equally irrelevant as long as it can serve pages, CSS and JavaScript.

Which ad absurdum makes UNIX APIs irrelevant for cloud computing.

It's only ad absurdum if you're completely unaware of the fact that UNIX (in this case not GNU/Linux, but illumos / SmartOS) is a high performing operating system with extensive facilities for preemption and traceability, which makes it ideal for web applications, and at scale, too. Haven't heard of SmartOS yet, have you, since you claim UNIX unfit for cloud applications?

An example from high-assurance, security field to back up your claim:


Interesting read, thanks.

The 90's desktop market was more interesting. Yet, you must have never met anyone doing applications that require fast CPU's and plenty RAM. Or looked at the desktop sales figures that are well above zero.

Hell, I built one for a guy's gaming rig a little while back. That replaced his hand-me-down from a company designing & installing sprinkler systems. Why he have that? They just bought new desktops for all there CAD users. Lot of CAD users out there probably have one too. ;)

The 90's desktop market was more interesting. Yet, you must have never met anyone doing applications that require fast CPU's and plenty RAM.

Plenty of RAM? Yes, but on supercomputers. My machines were sgi Origin 2000's and 3800's running a single compute intensive application doing finite element analysis and using 16 GB of RAM, across all the CPU's in the system. A single calculation would usually take a month.

On the desktop, you couldn't be more wrong: I was part of the cracking / demo scene, and we literally counted clock cycles in order to squeeze every last bit of performance in our assembler code, me included.

Im jealous thag you got to play with SGI Origins. I wanted one of them or an Onyx2 but cost too damn much. At this point, though, you're partly supporting my claim: certain workloads necessitate either a desktop, a server, or a bunch of them. These include artists, scientists, designers of various equipment, gamers, well-off laypersons wanting instant response time, privacy nuts needing cores for VM-based browsing, and so on. Not relegated only to "computer people" as you falsely claimed.

One can also look at the numbers. Last year, over 17 million PC's were sold in US. Think the buyers were really all computer people? Even with 3 year refresh cycle, low end, that be estimate of around 50 million computer people in this country that's been buying desktops over 3 years. Think they're really that big a demographic?

Well, I'd argue that all those people you listed are either professionals in diverse fields, or enthusiasts. If you take 17 million PC's sold, just in the United States, that's 17 / 300 * 100 = 5.66% of the population. And I was conservative in using 300 million as the total U.S. population, when I've read it's more like 321 million, so what does that tell you?

But if you look at the number of PC's sold year over year, the number is dwindling at the rate of roughly 15% - 18% per year. Look, for example, under the "Global Computer Sales" column, here:


the average laypeople don't want computers any more, and the sales reflect that. For their needs a tablet or a mobile telephone with a web browser is pretty much all they need, and the web can and does now deliver pretty much any kind of application they could ever need or want. And that's precisely where most of the sales of desktops were. Professionals using computer aided design and people like you and me are few and far in between, in comparison.

On an sgi related note, I myself owned several Octanes and even an sgi Challenge R10000 (with a corresponding electricity bill). I must have torn and rebuilt that Challenge four or five times, just for fun. My primary workstation for years (which I fixed and put together myself) was an sgi Indigo2 R10000, with an hp ScanJet II SCSI scanner, a 21" SONY Trinitron, and a Plextor CD-RW SCSI drive, back in the day when CD-RW was "the thing". With 256 MB of RAM when most PC's had something like 16 or 32 MB, it was a sweet setup. Ah, IRIX 6.5, how much I miss thee...

Show me a unix system as nice as the Surface Book and I'll be interested.

Is that one of those failed Microsoft tablet thingies? Why would anyone care about a GUI in the 21st century, when everything runs either on stdout/stderr or on the web?

Anyway, the answer to your question is iPad Pro by Apple Computer. It runs an operating system called "iOS" which is a heavily customized FreeBSD on top of a custom CMU Mach kernel. And it's UNIX03 compliant. UNIX! It's everywhere!

> Anyway, the answer to your question is iPad Pro by Apple Computer. It runs an operating system called "iOS" which is a heavily customized FreeBSD on top of a custom CMU Mach kernel. And it's UNIX03 compliant. UNIX! It's everywhere, it didn't go away, and it won't die!

I'm aware of it, it's not good enough. Its UI is terrible when you need to work with multiple applications, it's a pain to customize anything and even more of a pain to run your own programs.

How do you run XCode, sign apps and upload them to the store on iPad Pro?

How does you .profile on iOS look like?

I don't, what for? All I'd need is SSH to connect to my illumos based systems, and a web browser to use my applications. Compiling things on a lone desktop like back in the '90's? No, that's what I did when I was a kid and didn't know any better. I have infrastructure for that now. Cross compilers, too.

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