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[flagged] Ask HN: What did you pay for firstnamelastname.com
14 points by the_cat_kittles on May 26, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 43 comments
just curious what a reasonable figure is for a domain like matthewsmith.com or davidrandall.com, guess it probably depends if your name is common or not?

Mine was far too expensive, so I spent three years getting a Ph.D. and bought drtomallen.com instead.

Assuming your first+last is already being parked by someone? Was able to get mine at a registrar, but it was my nickname where I paid a "premium" about 7 years ago... five letters and I really wanted it. Negotiated a guy from $3000 to $300. More specifically, his first response was $3000 then I waited three months and offered $300. He had a formal landing page.. no different from hugedomains.com - I've noticed for non-brandable "premium" domains these services are trying to get $1-2k for personal domains.

I pay $10/y, one of the benefits of having a rather not popular last name

About $50/year on initial registration, but that's because .coms were so expensive then / seemed expensive / didn't find cheaper options.

Then $10 / year. And now $15 / year on a registrar I trust with security a fair bit more.

Reason for a change in paying a little more for a much better (perceived, at least) service was I started getting mails from someone with the (almost same) name suggesting I 'give' him my domain name (and Twitter, and Gmail, and LinkedIn, etc). Give him. As 'I was not using it'. Despite having it as primary email address for ~15 years and a small placeholder page for namecard, logins, ssh, personal projects, cloud hosting, etc. Persistent, timed emails, every 6 months or so. And he was in SEO so perhaps somewhat cluefull of dark arts, so move to a non-cheapest registrar.

If you're on the reverse, check your registrar is providing a secure service, for example passwords not (or seeming to be, based on login hints), in plain text.

I have a relatively uncommon last name, so I got my domain name at the standard price for a domain name ($11/year at Dynadot)

My last name is shared with about 8 people in my country, so I managed to snag lastname.ca and now my email is firstname@lastname.ca (but I still own firstname@firstnamelastname.com which is a mouthful.) lastname.com is parked but it keeps getting renewed shortly before it expires. Both domains cost around $10/yr

I reached out to the owner of my name.com and we agreed on $100. He wanted $4000 but when he realized that I just wanted to host a personal site he was happy taking $100.

I tried lastname.email but had trouble validating the address first@lastname.email at a lot of places. Lucked out though and found a tld with the last two letters of my last name, now I'm first@lastna.me and I think it's slick. Hard as hell to explain to customer service reps that there's no '.com' at the end of it though.

I'd probably pay up to $500 but really it's all up to you.

I registered firstnamelastname.com a few years ago which was fortunite as there a few of my name about. Someone later registered my local county domain and used to putting heavy religious stuff on it so I regret not buying that one too now as occasionally people confuse .com and the country domain.

I originally tried to find lastname.com, but that was already taken. So I got lastname.me. Now my email is firstname@lastname.me. Later on I registered firstnamelastname.com and fistnamelastname.me just to be safe.

The .me domains are more expensive, but I really like them for use as a personal domain. I pay $75/y for three domains.



Took me almost 10 years to get. Finally used network solutions certified offer service instead of paying the 10k and 5k previously quoted.

After 10 years, doesn't sound too bad actually.

I got it a long time ago, so just ~$10/year for over a decade.

I did once get contacted by one of my dopppelnamers, who happened to be the lead guitarist of an 80's one-hit wonder band (and now solo), but I didn't want to give it up.

I have the .com, but he dominates SEO for our name.

I think I just paid the regular .com amount from when I first registered it 10 years or more ago.

My surname also ends in BY so I recently bought a Belorussian domain for it so my website is [firstname].[partofsurname].by and email address is [firstname]@[partofsurname].by

I've been using nbolt.io even though I own neillbolton.com. Is the .com worth it?

nbolt.io sounds better in my opinion.

FirstnameLastname.com was taken so I registered firstname-lastname.com ($8 back then). Though, I'd waited for 3 years for FirstnameLastname.com to expire and when it happened I grabbed it.

I have an unusual last name - firstinitiallastname.com was about $10 per year.

It depends on how common your name + lastname is. I have a very common first name + last name among Indians and plenty at silicon valley but I got mine few years back at my registrar for $13 per year.

both my first and last name are very rare so I could get it for $10/yr

£8.10 firstnamelastname.com

£4.46 firstnamelastname.co.uk

Fairly common firstname, Surname: 18,714th most common surname in the world, Approximately 27,829 people bear this surname

Where did you get the stats?

I have a relatively uncommon last name, so I got my domain name at the standard price for a domain name ($11/year at Namecheap)

I have lastname.localtld costs me $15. I think local tlds make much more sense for name domains than generics like .com.

I picked $firstname.$localTLD in 1999, at the time I had to use register.com and I paid $79 a year for about five years. Nowadays the pricing is closer to $10.

$10 for a .name domain. I think it's appropriate for personal sites, although .com would be nicer.

I've got an .se domain with my unique last name which is something around $15 per year.

~$12/year for jonaseinarsson.se and .com (it wasn't taken)

Semi-common name in Sweden.

I'm lucky. Exotic name. And I've had it for 10+ years. $10/year

I got firstname.it for around 7$ PS: 4 letter uncommon first name

I raed.it. Good looking website.

Thanks, it helps with the job hunt.

Just make up a middle initial and put it on your resume :)

my name + lastname mix is rare so i just paid regular registration fee

myname .com was several hundred(?) so i moved to myname.co and it's about 11$/year.

$10 per year - alexkras.com

$7.99/yr I believe.

got mine in around 2005 for about $8 a year


I paid 10.


12 USD :D

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