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Where have all the MacBooks gone at Linux conferences (networkworld.com)
6 points by rbanffy on May 4, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

It's pretty simple really. OSX used to be pretty nice, back then. Quick, very stable, lots of features etc.

Then, the ioOSification started, and we're down to El Crapitan where the Mail.app barely works anymore. And that version is the last of a string of versions that were a lot worse as well...

On the other side, Linux has improved in bits:

+ More stable graphic drivers; Intel & nVidia now have stable, working releases that don't require you to jump thru hoops to get the screen working, as it used to be back then...

+ Antialiased text. Seriously, it took a LONG time to get something working properly, all the time in linux..

+ The other major thing that happened is ... Chrome. Chrome is spotless on linux nowadays, and personally, once I have an IDE, Chrome, and a few bits and pieces I don't need a lot more these days.

I don't particularly think Linux has improved that much otherwise in terms of desktop usability; it's still the same mess as before on the desktop IMO, but at least the lower level bits have improved significantly...

Perhaps the crowd is older and doesn't care about their image anymore?

Perhaps battery life or some other hardware consideration made them choose other hardware above a MacBook?

Perhaps it is less accepted by your Linux peers to run another OS?

Perhaps Linux became better in supporting the daily work of a developer?

Perhaps there is a decoupling between the OS someone uses to develop versus the OS used by their end-users due to the rise of the cloud?

> Perhaps battery life or some other hardware consideration made them choose other hardware above a MacBook?

I have yet to see a laptop running either any variant of Linux/BSD or Win7 (I don't count W8/W10, that's not Windows, that's crap) achieving the same battery endurance as a Macbook.

Apple really can do something unique as they can completely modify the OS X kernel to squeeze every last bit of power-saving performance out of the CPU.

I currently have the Lenovo Yoga 900. It is not better than a Macbook, but with around 9 hours, there is no reason anymore to go for a Macbook. So better battery life of competing deviced might be a factor, it was for me.

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