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Jessica Livingston with AirBnb live now. (justin.tv)
33 points by vaksel on March 1, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

Thanks for listening everyone! I'm planning to make a copy of this available on http://ycombinator.posterous.com/, but it might not be till tomorrow since I've never done it before. Also, I'll hopefully iron out the technical difficulty that caused some audio problems on my end.

Excellent interview Jessica, I hope you'll do many more of these!

Well done. Thank you. More please.

I watched this, and there is a ton of goodies in it, I wish I could re-watch it again. Can this be replayed some how ?

part 1/4: http://www.justin.tv/clip/c391df739e7bedf1

links to the rest are on justin.

Part 4/4 ends before the interview is over. It looks like they were re-submitted as a 5-part, but there is no 5/5.

Good timing. I stayed in someone's apartment that was listed on AirBnb this past weekend. It worked out pretty well. :)

I missed the live interview. I'm looking forward to the catching the video after it shows up on the YC blog.

A really entertaining and insightful chat... I'm looking forward to more.

it's kinda weird, but throughout the interview, I got the feeling that Jessica was meeting these guys for the first time.(I know that they met before)

anyone else got that feeling?

She had audio troubles. She was having a hard time hearing them.


I doubt they are intentionally misleading you.

If anything, I would guess it's a UI/design issue, rather than malicious intent on their part.


"Maybe I'll create a competitor that doesn't charge anything."

And yet, I would still bet on airbnb...

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