I'm in exploration phase, looking for a unique value proposition that would distinguish this from all the others out there.
If I can't find that unique value proposition, the idea is not worth pursuing any further.
From doing interviews and surveys, the point that keeps coming up is that people prefer to use a stylus. It makes total sense, it much closer to the actual experience.
Given that, making it an app for tablets first seems like a good bet, with web being second.
The main thing is this, there are tons of apps and web solutions out there already, some of which are already pretty good in terms of features and drawing quality. None of them have any kind of plan that throws in a stylus.
Would offering a stylus with the software be enough of a unique value proposition? My thinking at this time is that it might be, if the pricing was appealing enough to the customer, and the margins reasonable enough for the business.
I actually develop an online whiteboard, so if you are interested in licensing it let me know (send an email to the email address in my profile). You can easily run it on your own server, customize it, etc. It's incredibly stable, and is used by a large number of online tutoring companies.
>Would offering a stylus with the software be enough of a unique value proposition?
You really do need some kind of graphics tablet/stylus if you want to do decent freehand drawing. A lot of my customers use Wacom tablets, and they work very well. It's certainly an interesting idea to bundle them together...that isn't something that I've tried.
Have you already developed the online whiteboard software?