I'm doing some product research for an idea of an online whiteboard.
From what I've learned so far from talking to devs and other technical people is that using a mouse or touch is really undesirable. It's just not close enough to the physical experience of using a real marker and physical whiteboard to feel productive and effective.
There are some high end solutions out there like digital drawing tablets, but I'm thinking about a solution for people not willing to go that route because their usage does not warrant the cost.
The solution I'm thinking of involves a plan where you pay for an initial short term plan that gives you an excellent online whiteboard application AND throws in a stylus as part of it. That way you get as close to the experience of actually writing on a physical whiteboard.
Once the initial plan is up, you keep the stylus, and you can choose to keep using the application with less features without charge, or else, pay for a cheaper subscription for a fuller feature set.
Would that be something of interest to you tablet owners out there? I'd appreciate to hear your thoughts.
PS - It's also worth mentioning that there is software out there like Inklet, that can turn your mac trackpad into a pen tablet, so you could conceivably also use the application with the stylus on your laptop.
Have you already developed the online whiteboard software?