By rejecting a certain pattern you weakening the whole password scheme. It is no longer random, it is human chosen.
An attacker can under certain circumstances exploit this behavior. For example, if they notice you are picking shorter words or words that consist of certain characters, they will have an easier time to crack the password. Whole categories or patterns can be rejected because of that, reducing the search space.
An extreme version of your method, is picking only the patterns that relate exclusively to you, like picking your favorite music or hobbies. Then the whole scheme becomes useless.
Curious notion. So, if a guy got that "human chosen" pattern randomly, they got rooked? He has a very breakable password, while the rest of us got good ones? Sounds like the whole algorithm is busted.
When someone rolls 1,1,1,1,1 and rejects that word they've cut down the word list to 7775 words. That's tiny, but it is a change.